SCGC Advocacy
Along with other Canadian content creators, we are calling for a national conversation on the value gap and ways to address it. With Copyright and Broadcast reviews underway there really is no better time and solutions must be brought forward. We need everyone at the table to have that conversation.
We will be advocating for that to happen and are insistent that government will help to lead it.
On a public policy level, we seek a fair and equitable proportion of the very significant revenue already being generated by the use of our works in the global digital marketplace.
We seek balance in legislation and ask the government to take the broadest view possible in modernizing the Copyright Act to reflect 21st-century realities.
SCGC Submissions
SCGC provides expert input into the national conversation on screen composer issues via regular submissions to lawmakers and government bodies. The most recent of these include:
2021 Copyright Consultations
2022 Status of the Artist Act
2022 Federal Budget
2022/23 C-11
- Submission to the Heritage Committee
- Submission to the Senate Transport and Communications committee
2023 CRTC
2023 Generative AI
2025 CRTC Submissions – “The Path Forward”
The presence of women in the ranks of the Screen Composers Guild of Canada (SCGC) and among professional screen composers is low. This research project aimed to document the particulars of the work of women in the screen composing industry, with emphasis on the presence of women in screen composing, hiring practices affecting the presence of women, and other barriers to entry or access to meaningful work in screen composing. In many ways, our results support earlier observations.