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BC Seminars “100 years Later: The Rite of Spring and Modern Film Music”

08 Oct 2013

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SCGC BC Seminars Event:
“100 Years Later: The Rite of Spring and Modern Film Music”
A day-long workshop conducted by Bob Buckley

  • Sunday, October 27th
  • Place TBD
  • 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM (approx. end)
  • Fee: $50 for SCGC members / $65 for non-members

100 years ago this past May, Igor Stravinsky startled the world with the premiere of his ground-breaking ballet score “The Rite of Spring”. When first performed, at the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées, the avant-garde nature of the music and choreography caused a sensation and a near-riot in the audience. Although designed as a work for the stage, with specific passages accompanying characters and action, the music achieved equal if not greater recognition as a concert piece. What could not have been predicted at the time was the enduring popularity of the score, and the galvanizing effect it was to have on music composition for the rest on the 20th century, including music composed for film.
Join us for an appreciation of this outstanding work, in a day-long workshop presented by composer and SCGC member Bob Buckley. Bob, who has been studying this score since he was fourteen years old (!), will present a multi-part look at The Rite, starting with an examination of the period in which it was written, the reaction of its first audiences, and Stravinsky’s own motivation and inspiration. This will be followed by in-depth study of selected passages (with participants following conductor scores), examples of how the piece influenced other composers, including film composers, and to bring us to the present, how we, as purveyors of electronic and acoustic music, can utilize the concepts contained within The Rite
The day will be broken into a morning and an afternoon session, and a delicious catered lunch will be provided.
This promises to be an entertaining and fascinating workshop, and we hope to see you there!
Please RSVP to Tonya Dedrick at SCGC
Please note: We would appreciate early responses if possible, to gauge our numbers for this event. Please stand by for further information as to location!
BC Seminars


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