Recent News & Events

Participate in the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy Consultation

29 May 2020

In an effort to keep members informed of recent news and developments during the COVID-19 pandemic, please review the information below in case it may be of assistance.
Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy Consultation
The Government of Canada is taking action through Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan to support Canadians and protect jobs during the global COVID-19 outbreak. The goal of this consultation is to inform potential changes to the CEWS to maximize employment and meet the needs of businesses and workers.
The Department of Finance Canada is looking for information and feedback from businesses of all sizes, labour representatives, not-for-profits and charities on potential changes to the program.
You can participate by either taking a short survey or providing us with in-depth feedback on the guiding questions below by email.
The consultation portal will be open until June 5, 2020.


Vol.8 No.1 – Spring 2020


Relief Fund for SOCAN Members During COVID-19

Crop Image