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SCGC welcomes Government of Canada’s Policy Direction to CRTC

14 Nov 2023

Today’s Policy Direction to the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) recognizes the critical role of individual creators (including screen composers) in ensuring that in a sea of global content choices, Canadians will be able to see and hear themselves within Canada’s broadcasting system.

SCGC is particularly appreciative of the Policy Direction’s focus on the importance of ensuring that IP subsidized by Canadians, and created by Canadians, remains in Canadian hands. No Canadian creator should ever be forced to surrender their legal rights to foreign web giants in order to participate in Canada’s creative economy.

In today’s global content market, Canada can either be a branch plant of Hollywood, as global web giants are recommending, or we can continue to exercise national sovereignty over our broadcasting system. Today’s Policy Direction underlines that the Government of Canada is not giving up on the Canadian broadcasting system.

SCGC is the national association certified under the Federal Status of the Artist Act to represent all professional Anglophone composers and music producers for audiovisual media productions in Canada.


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