Composer News

SCGC member Medhat Hanbali scored “The World According to Amazon”! The documentary will be broadcast on CBC January 25th at 10pm ET/PT!

25 Jan 2020

SCGC member Medhat Hanbali scored “The World According to Amazon”! The documentary will be broadcast on CBC TONIGHT at 10pm ET/PT! Don’t miss it!
“The World According to Amazon explores how a single company controls the distribution of all our daily products, the infrastructure of our economy, and the data that defines us. Out of the mouths of Amazon workers in Germany, small business owners in India and even an executive who worked in Bezos’ garage, we learn the truth behind this global empire, and the disturbing future Amazon has in store for us.”
#composer #SCGCmembernews #TheWorldAccordingToAmazon


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