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Scores, Songs & Screens: Pulling back the curtain…

19 Sep 2022

On September 21st! Get your ticket before it’s too late:

Scores, Songs, and Screens – pulling back the curtain… | Screen Composers Guild of Canada

Rob Carli, Aaron Paris, Alexandra Petkovski, Sarah Slean and Darren Fung

Join the conversation as our panelists discuss the various approaches and styles to composing original music to picture and how the role of the composer today encompasses an extremely wide gamut of responsibilities. In a landscape that is constantly shifting, so to has the definition of a composer for multimedia. The role of the composer has evolved by necessity over time due to changes in technological application, facilitation, creative approach and the added impact experience of the pandemic. Learn as each panelist breaks down their interpretation of the music direction, creation, and musical application of the same video segment. From structural investigation, connective overlap between musical styles, the concept of song versus cue, and overall analysis of score to picture treatment, this journey into “pulling back the curtain” invites all schools of thought and perspective. Following this workshop/seminar will be a performance by Sarah Slean!


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